Sprint and Core Interval Workout

Sprint interval workouts are a great way to get a quick and effective cardio workout in, especially if you are strapped for time or not a big runner or cardio fan. Every other round will consist of timed sprint intervals, which will be in between a variety of repetition exercises. This workout will focus on mainly the core for the rep exercises. Try to transition between each exercise with minimal rest. Increase or decrease your sprint time as needed, depending on your stamina and endurance.

Familiarize yourself with all of the exercises prior to the workout. There is a description of each below the workout. I also keep the treadmill running so that I can quickly hop back on, setting up a station next to it for my rep exercises.


[SPRINT = 30 second treadmill sprint (8.0+ mph)]


Walking Pushups (8 reps)


Reverse Crunch (20 reps)


Walking Pushups (8 reps)


Reverse Crunch (20 reps)


Weighted Leg Strike (10 reps/leg)


Weighted Double Crunch (20 reps)


Overhead Lunge and Press (5 reps/leg – 10 reps total)


Weighted Double Crunch (20 reps)

Die/Cool Down

Walking Push-up Get into push up position with legs slightly wider than shoulder width. Do a push-up then walk hands and feet to the left and do a push-up. Repeat alternating directions. **Finish with modified push-up if you max out.
Reverse Crunch Lay on back, arms at sides, legs straight above hips. Lift hips off ground and legs straight up, feet towards the ceiling. Lower to start and repeat.
Weighted Leg Strike (left/right) Stand with feet lunge-length apart, right leg back, holding a 10- to 15-pound dumbbell overhead. Draw your right knee upward and bring the dumbbell down to meet your knee, keeping your arms straight. Tap the ball of your right foot on the floor behind you as you extend the dumbbell back overhead and quickly repeat. Complete time/reps for each leg.


Weighted Double Crunch Lay on your back holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms reached behind you. Legs are straight in front of you and lifted off the ground slightly. Crunch up as you bring your knees to chest, bringing the weights to shins. Straighten arms and legs back to start and repeat.
pullover crunch
Overhead Lunge and Press Stand holding a barbell above your head. Step forward, lunge down and stay low and bring the bar down to your chest then press it back up. Step back to start and repeat, alternating lunging legs.


8 Minute AMRAP – Legs and Core

Here’s a quick 8-minute AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible) workout. Push yourself for the entire 8 minutes to complete this workout as many times as possible. Take a quick break when needed, but work your ass off for just 8 minutes to get the most out of this workout.

I completed 4 rounds + 13 reps of this workout.

Set a timer for 8 minutes and complete the following back to back:

Suitcase Squat  – 5 reps/side
Weighted Sit-up – 10 reps
One-Leg Row and Tuck – 10 reps/wide


Suitcase Squat (left/right) Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides, holding a dumbbell in right hand. Lower into a squat bringing weight as close to the ground as possible and repeat.Complete reps then switch to the left hand.
Weighted Sit Up Start laying down with legs straight and holding a dumbbell with both hands back over your head. Sit up- keeping the reaching with the weight toward your feet. Bend your knees slightly if needed. Lower back to star, bringing the dumbbell back toward the floor behind you.
One Leg Row and In (left/right) Stand holding a dumbbell/kettlebell in your right hand and put all weight on your left leg as you raise your right leg behind you as you hinge forward and hold the weight straight down from your chest, left arm reached out past your head for balance. Row the weight toward your chest bringing your elbow back as you bend your elevated leg tucking the knee toward your chest. Lower the weight and straighten your leg back behind you. Repeat keeping all weight on your standing leg and leaning forward. Complete reps then switch sides.

Lower Body Burnout

I figured I would follow-up my last workout, the Upper Body Burnout, with a lower body burnout. This will be a high intensity interval circuit with 20 rounds (do exercises 4 times through). You will be feeling this in the quads and thighs mostly.

Complete the following exercises for 45 seconds work then taking a 15 second rest.

4 sets (20 rounds)
45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest

Kettlebell Pendulum Swing
Side Pulse Lunges
Push Kick Left
Push Kick Right
Genghis Khan Burpee

Kettlebell Pendulum Swing This exercise reinforces the loading of the butt and legs and the activation of the lats. start in your swing stance, using a heavy kettlebell. A heavier kettlebell is easier to use during the pendulum than a lighter bell, the more weight the more it counterbalances your hips. Grab the kettlebell with 2-hands and swing the kettlebell explosively between your legs as you’re hinged forward at the hips (like a traditional KB swing). Swing the weight back forward in a floating motion (using your lats, not your arms to swing it forward), as the kettlebell swings to the front stay low and sit back and down (instead of standing up). Tighten your glutes, your shoulders down (do not shrug) and your back straight in a hinged forward-like squat. Now use your arms to swing the weight back between your legs as your weight shifts back forward. Repeat staying low with a neutral spine. If you lose neutral spine, lower your weight.
Side Pulse Lunges Lunge to the side, butt back bringing arms to chest and pulse twice into the side lunge. Bring feet back together, arms down and repeat on opposite side. (alternate sides)


Push Kick (left/right) Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, hands in loose fists by chest. Bend right knee 90 degrees as you bring it up in front of you at hip level. Press right heel forward, foot flexed, as you lean torso back slightly until right leg is completely extended at hip level. Bend right knee to 90 degrees again as you straighten up posture. Repeat push kick without lowering right leg to ground. After time/reps, switch legs.

front kick

Genghis Khan Burpee This is like a traditional burpee, but instead of standing up or jumping at the end you come half way up into a squat. Place your hands down in front of your feet, hop back into plank and then hop feet back forward, landing on the soles of your feet, knees bent about 90 degrees. Bring just your upper body up, hinging at the hips as you remain in a squat (make sure your squat has good form, knees behind toes). Place hands back down and repeat.

You can also do this holding a bosu ball or ugi ball to add weight, lifting it up above your head as you come up into the squat and balancing on it as you jump your feet back into plank.


Upper Body Burnout

This is an upper body workout, including the triceps, chest and shoulders. You will work your core as well, so be sure to focus on tightening your abs when performing these moves.

Set an interval timer for 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.
Complete 3x (18 rounds)

Pike Push-up + Dive Bomber
Tricep Dips
Elevated Plank Left Tricep Kickback
Elevated Plank Right Tricep Kickback
Turkish Get-up Left 
Turkish Get-up Right

Pike Push-up + Dive Bomber Start in pike position with hips towards the ceiling, arms and feet flat on the ground. Maintain pike position as you bend arms as you lower your head toward the ground. Push up and then perform a dive bomber. Repeat sequence.
Tricep Dips Hands on a edge of a bench/step, or using a dip station or equalizer bars.
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Elevated Plank Tricep Kickback (left/right) Get into plank with one arm on a step/bench and grasp a dumbbell in the other hand by your side with the weight up by your rib and elbow pointing back. From here extend your arm back into a tricep kickback and then bend back to start. Keep your upper arm still and close to your body. After time switch sides. You can also do this with your hand on the ground.
Turkish Get- up (left/right) Lie faceup with legs flat, left arm raised toward ceiling holding a kettlebell or dumbbell. With left arm raised throughout, sit up, leaning on right hand and right knee to come to standing planting the left leg on the ground first. Reverse motion back to laying down. Complete time then switch arms.

Quick Cardio HIIT Training

This is a HIIT workout that will allow you to get some cardio in by really elevating your heart rate! While HIIT workouts are a great cardio workout regardless, this one has more cardio-specific moves…with a little bit of weight involved.

Like other HIIT workouts, you will have a set amount of time for work, followed by a short rest. Since this is a cardio workout, pace yourself but also push yourself. Make the most of the 45 second work time.

45 sec work – 15 sec rest
3 sets/18 rounds

Deadlift Burpees
Bench Top Toe Touches
Jump Squats

Left Arm Kettlebell Swings
Right Arm Kettlebell Swings
High Knees + Get-ups


Deadlift Burpees Stand holding barbell/sandbag or a DB in each hand, palms facing your body. Bend forward hinging at the hips into a deadlift, lowering the weight with straight arms. Continue bending forward and lower the weights to the ground, in the same orientation as you were holding them and set them on the ground by your feet. Jump feet back and come into plank and perform a push-up (optional). Jump feet back forward, grab your weight as you come up, hinging up at the waist to standing. Repeat.
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Bench Top Toe Touches Stand behind a bench or box. Touch right toes up onto bench with knee bent 90 degrees, then switch feet quickly as you tap your left toe to the top of the bench. Repeat quickly alternating. Keep your back tall and core tight.
Jump Squats Stand with feet hip-width, abs engaged with arms at your sides. Squat down bringing your arms bent in front of you.Jump up as high as you can, using your arms for momentum, and land softly back down into the squat position. Pause briefly and repeat.
One Arm Kettlebell Swings (left/right) Stand feet wider than shoulder width. Swing kettlebell down with one arm between legs, bending knees. Swing up and power through your heels, bringing the weight up. Swing back down and repeat. Complete time then repeat on the other arm. (i also use my sandbag for an extra challenge)
High Knees and Get Ups Start standing. Do 5 high knees, then drop down to your stomach, hands up by shoulders. Push back up to standing and repeat.
High-knees-jpg(high knees)

Abs and Legs: 2 part HIIT Workout

This is a 2 part workout with 2 separate HIIT circuits. The first is a lower body workout, while the second is a core workout. Take only a 1-2 minute break between the 2 circuits, or just enough time to reset your interval timer.

Circuit 1: 45 seconds work/15 seconds rest
3 sets (15 rounds)

Left Cross Seated Squat
Right Cross Seated Squat

Sumo Squat Torso Twist
Sumo Squat Jumps
Jumping Kettlebell Swing

Circuit 2: 30 seconds work/10 seconds rest
3 sets (15 rounds)

Scissor Bike Crunch
Left Side Plank Pulse
Right Side Plank Pulse
Left Leg Push-up w/ Knee Drive
Right Leg Push-up w/ Knee Drive


Circuit 1

Crossed Seated Squat (left/right) Sit on chair/bench, with left foot on floor and right ankle on left knee. Lean into left foot and stand up, squeezing glutes. Sit back down, keeping right ankle on left knee the entire time. Complete time then switch sides. If crossing your leg is uncomfortable, do the seated squat with your leg elevated and extended out in front of you.
Sumo Squat Torso Twist Stand in sumo squat with legs wide and feet turned out, and arms bent 90 degrees up in front of face. Holding arms up and remaining in a squat, twist torso left and right. Be sure to keep your hips forward and feet planted. To add a challenge, hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands in front of your face.
Sumo Jump Squats Stand with feet wide and toes turned out slightly. Squat down and come up into a hop, landing back into a squat. Weight can be added.
Jumping Kettlebell Swing Stand with feet on opposite sides of step (straddling) holding KB in both hands between legs. Lower into a squat and jump both feet together on the step while raising arms straight out in front. Jump back to start while bringing the KB back down. You can also do this without a step, using the same motions.

Circuit 2

Bike Crunch
Traditional bike crunch but legs are straight and scissoring.

Scissor crunch sit up

Side Plank Pulse (left/right) Come into side plank you your forearm with your elbow in line with your shoulder, feet stacked. Pulse your hip upward and back to neutral in a pulsing motion. Don’t let hips drop down below neutral. This will be a small pulsing movement. Complete time for each side.
One Leg Pushup with Knee Drive (left/right) Begin in pushup position with hands on bench, left leg lifted slightly, toes pointed. Lower into pushup, and as arms extend, bend left knee into chest, bracing abs in tighter. Return to start, keeping leg elevated. Complete time then switch legs.


Full Body Deadlift HIIT

This is a HIIT workout, but instead of a rest period between exercises you will be doing 30 seconds of deadlifts. This is referred to as active rest. There are 12 different exercises, with deadlifts in between for a total of 24 rounds.

For the deadlifts you can use a barbell or dumbbells, but keep them close so you can go right from your exercise to your deadlifts with as little rest as possible.

Here’s a list of the entire workout:

30 sec deadlift/active rest – 50 sec work
Alternate One Leg V-ups
Hip Lift and Reach
Sumo High Knees
Side Squat + Press
Left Leg Hip Thrust
Right Leg Hip Thrust
Clean and Press
Left Double Kickbacks
Right Double Kickbacks
Push-up + Toe Tap
Wide to Narrow Squat
Lying Shoulder Circle Crunch


Deadlift Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand or holding a barbell/sandbag, arms in front of thighs, palms facing body. Hinge forward from hips, keeping back and legs slightly bent, as you lower dumbbells to shin level. Return to start, squeezing your glutes.

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Alternate One Leg V-ups Lay on ground with legs straight, arms overhead. Simultaneously sit up and lift one leg reaching arms up your leg. Lower and repeat alternating legs.
Hip Lift and Reach Lay on your back with legs extended straight up and arms above your head. Lift hips and push feet toward the ceiling. Lower hips, then crunch up reaching yours hands toward your feet. Lower and repeat.
Sumo High Knees Stand with feet wide, toes pointed out, elbow bent so fists are by chin. Lift on knee up bent 90 degrees, while twisting torso toward knee. Hop to the same movement on the opposite side, twisting torso. Only one foot is on the ground at a time.


Side Squat + Press Stand with feet together and a dumbbell in each hand in front of your chest with palms facing each other but under the dumbbells. Step to the right and lower into a deep squat, and as you step back to center push under the weights and press them overhead. Lower weights back to chest as you step to the left and lower into another low squat. Repeat alternating sides.
One Leg Hip Thrust (left/right) Lying flat, plant left heel on the floor with your knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Arms extend, fingers point toward your toes. Keep your right leg extended and foot flexed. Pushing through your planted heel and both arms press your hips toward the ceiling until your body forms a straight line from shoulder to knee. Press your heel toward the ceiling. The focus is on the movement of the hips. You can also do this with your foot on a bosu ball or ugi ball. Complete time/reps then switch sides.

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Clean and Press Hold a barbell or sandbag with overhand grip in front of you. Bend knees slightly, lowering the weight to the ground. Forcefully lift the weight up to your shoulders and flip your wrists up so that your palms face up and weight is at your chest. Press the weight straight up overhead. Reverse the motion back to start and repeat.

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Double Kickbacks (left/right) Stand with knees soft, a weight in each hand at sides, elbows bent. Hinge forward at waist as you raise and extend arms into a triceps kickback while also lifting your left leg behind you. Return to start. Complete time/reps then switch legs.


Push Up + Toe Tap Come into pushup position with your hands wide. Do a push up then bring your left foot forward and tap it with your right hand. Return and repeat the push-up and tap with the opposite foot and hand.
Wide to Narrow Squat Stand with feet hip width apart, sandbag on shoulders. Squat down and come up not quite to standing and step out to one side and squat again in a wide squat. Again, only come up partly and step back to narrow stance and squat again. Repeat stepping out to the other side and back in, alternating sides.
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Lying Shoulder Circle Crunch Lie faceup on a mat lifting light (three- or five-pound) dumbbells behind your head, palms facing the ceiling. Engage your core and lift your legs off the floor six inches, knees slightly bent. Keeping your arms straight, circle your hands toward your legs until the dumbbells touch behind your hamstrings. Simultaneously lift your head and shoulders off the floor while bending your knees slightly. Extend your legs out and your arms overhead, reversing the motion. Works: deltoids, chest, core. TIP: to keep tension on the lower abs, don’t let your upper legs go past 70 degrees.

Mostly-Total Body Burnout

This is a great mostly-total body workout. It gets your lower body and core moving with a variety of moves that will target your legs, thighs (inner and outer), your obliques and a tad bit on the shoulders. I used a kettlebell and a sandbag for this workout…. and I was sucking wind at the end of it!

This is a high intensity interval training workout. You will be working for 50 seconds (it’s a long 50 seconds) and resting for 10 seconds. Try to remember to keep your core engaged with each exercise, because you will be using it a lot for stabilization.


50 seconds work – 10 seconds rest
3 sets (15 rounds)

Ski Abs + Clean and Press
Adduction Kettlebell Squat and Swing
Left Low to High Woodchop
Right Low to High Woodchop
Plyo Kettlebell Sumo Squats



Ski Abs + Clean and Press Come into plank with a barbell or sandbag in front of your hands. With feet together, jump them forward and to the right and back to plank, then forward and to the left and back to plank. Hop feet forward, grab your weight and perform a clean and press. When you lower the weight back to the ground, jump feet back to plank and repeat. (I didn’t have a picture of the entire exercise so I posted a picture of each part.)

Ski Abs

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Adduction KB Squat and Swing Stand with your legs in a wide stance, holding the kettlebell with both hands in front. Squat down, moving your hips back and swinging the kettlebell back between your legs. Come up swinging the kettlebell to chest height and lifting one leg straight up to the side. Step back down into a wide squat and repeat, lifting the other leg. Continue alternating legs. Be sure your knees remain forward when feet are on the ground.1110-swing-legraise
Low to High Woodchop (left/right) Squat, and to twist to hold the dumbbell on the outside of your left leg. Exhale and lift the weight diagonally across your body, ending twisted to the right with the dumbbell above your head. Pivot on your left foot as needed. Complete time/reps for each side. You can use a kettlebell, dumbbell, medicine ball or ugi ball for this.woodchopf
Plyo Kettle Bell Sumo Squats Start in sumo squat stance, toes out and holding kettle bell at chest. Squat down, then quick hop feet together and back out and do another sumo squat (slow squat, quick in and out)

2 Part Total Body Workout

This workout is 2 parts. The first half is a high intensity interval training circuit, where you will be doing 30 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 3 sets (18 rounds total). This will be a great cardio workout to get your heart rate elevated and calories burning.

The second part will be a 12 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) workout. You will complete 12 reps of each exercise, for as many rounds as possible for 12 minutes straight. Try to rest minimally so that your heart rate remains elevated. This will be more of a weight training and muscle building workout.

Here is the layout of the workout. Rest 2-3 minutes between parts 1 and 2:

30 seconds work/10 seconds rest
3 sets (18 rounds total)

Bench/Mat Jumps
Left Reverse Lunge + Front Kick
Right Reverse Lunge + Front Kick
Left Windwills
Right Windmills
Reverse Hook Crunch

12 Minutes (AMRAP)
12 reps each 

Front Squats
Reverse Grip Row
Weighted Bench Dips


Part 1
30 seconds work/10 seconds rest

Bench Jumps/Mat Jumps Stand on one long side of a bench and lean over, grasping the edge on either side of it. Keeping your arms straight (not locked) and your shoulders aligned over your hands, bend knees and jump your feet over to the other side of bench, landing with feet together. Repeat back and forth. Tighten your abs as you jump to improve balance and control. You can also do this using a mat by hopping your feet over a mat with your hands on the mat.

bench jump

Reverse Lunge + Front Kick (left and right) Keeping your abs tight, step back with your right foot and lower into a reverse lunge. Squeeze your glutes as you push down through your left heel and kick your right leg in front of you as you straighten your left leg. Return to reverse lunge and repeat (continuous motion) After time, repeat with other leg.


Windmills (left and right) Holding a weight in each hand, stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width, rotate left toes outward and raise right arm above head, keeping eyes on the weight. Shift hips to the right, lean to the left and lower torso toward floor so weight hovers just above floor. Keep body as flat as possible and keep torso still. Shift pelvis to center and distribute weight evenly to both feet as you come back to standing. If holding 2 weights is too difficult, hold just one in your higher hand. After time, switch sides.

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Reverse Hook Crunch Lay on your back with arms reached overhead and legs extended off the ground slightly. Bend knees toward chest and lift hips off the ground and extend your legs up pushing your feet up and back. Reverse the motion and repeat.


Part 2
12 minutes/12 reps each

Front Squat Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bar across your front delts and collarbone, keeping your elbows high and your back flat. Bend your knees and hips as if to sit in a chair until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push through your heels to return to standing. If you do not have a barbell you can hold a set of dumbbells in a similar way.


Reverse Grip Row Hold a barbell/sandbag in front, gripping with your palms up (like you’re going to do a bicep curl) – or use a set of dumbbells holding the same grip. Bend slightly forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly, so that your back is at a 45 degree angle. Lift the weight to your chest, keeping your arms tight to your body. Pause briefly then straighten arms. Repeat, keeping this same body position.
reverserow reverserow2
Weighted Bench Dips Sit on a bench or chair with your legs extended out in front of you and a dumbbell or weight plate in your lap. Place your hands on the edge of the bench behind you and lift your glutes up off of the bench. Lower your body by bending your elbows to about a 90 degree angle. Press up from the palms of your hands squeezing the triceps and repeat. For added challenge, place your feet on another bench in front of you. If this is too difficult, perform tricep dips without any extra weight.

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15 Minute Abs

This workout will engage your core and work those abdominals. Be sure to watch your form, keeping your core engaged will help you do so. If you find yourself losing you form on the planks, only complete 2 rounds instead of 3.

45 seconds work – 15 seconds rest:

Plank Leg Lift and Taps
Mt Climbers + Push-up
Reptile Planks
Bike Abs


Plank Leg Lift and Tap Start in full plank position, lift one leg of the floor (squeeze your glute to lift your leg). Cross it over the stabilizing leg, tapping the floor if you can. Bring it back up and down, and repeat with the other leg.


Mountain Climbers + Pushup Come into plank with hands on ugi ball or bosu ball. Jump right foot forward toward right hand and switch legs so left leg is forward. Do this 3 times, and on the 3rd, do a pushup while your leg is still forward. Continue sequence of 3 climbers then a pushup. You should have alternating legs forward on each pushup. If you don’t have a bosu or ugi ball, place your hands on a low step.


Reptile Planks Start in plank position. Lift right leg and and bend knee to right elbow. Straighten leg and lower. Repeat alternating sides.



Bike Abs Lay with your legs straight and elevated slightly off the ground, hands behind your head and shoulders slightly lifted. As you crunch up bend your right knee and twist to bring your left elbow to the right knee. Lower to start and repeat to the other side, and continue alternating.



Scissors Lie on back with arms at sides, palms pressing into floor, or place hands behind head. Lift both legs straight up, pressing lower back into the ground. Slowly lower your right leg down toward the ground, then scissor your legs to lower the left, and bring right up and repeat alternating.